Social Media for eCommerce stores

Did you know that 74% of people use social media to help them decide what to buy? This means that advertising your online store on social media can really boost your sales and income. Read on to find out how NEED INFOTECH, can help your online store grow with their social media advertising services!


Years Experience


Industries Served


Projects Done


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Account management and Audit

When you work with NEED INFOTECH for social media advertising for your online store, you’ll be assigned a dedicated account manager. You’ll also get support from experts for each social media platform.

First, we’ll review your social media accounts.  Our team will look at your current social media strategy and check out what your competitors are doing. This helps us position your ads/post for the best possible results.

Social media strategy and creative's

After we review your social media account, we’ll suggest how to organize your campaigns and how many you need to reach your goals.

We’ll also guide you on choosing the right audience targets and budget that suit your online store.

Then, we’ll help you create eye-catching ads/wall post.

Our creative process includes:

  • Writing the text
  • Crafting headlines
  • Designing the ad/post visuals
  • Creating calls to action (CTAs)

You’ll get two rounds of revisions on the initial ads, so you can share your feedback before they go live.

Get a free audit of your website and digital marketing
strategy by sharing detail below .

    Audience targeting

    One major advantage of social media advertising is the ability to precisely target your ideal customers.

    Here are some of the targeting options we offer:

    • Custom audiences using social pixels or customer lists
    • Targeting based on keywords, interests, and user intent
    • Targeting by school, profession, and workplace
    • Targeting by company size, industry, and job title
    • Device-specific targeting
    • Demographic targeting

    By using custom targeting, you can focus on the people most likely to buy from you, saving your business money.


    Our social media services for ecommerce include reports every month, quarter, and year. Where you can easily track your ad results organic reach easily.

    These reports show you how your budget is being spent, which parts of your campaigns are successful, and what can be improved to make your ads even better.